In this post I want to focus on food and getting healthier to the point where you feel better in very little time. Eating right is not a hard concept or even something that is “out there” somewhere, it’s a matter of deciding you are tired of being tired and you want something new for yourself and you want to live a life medication free and as long as possible with great health in your older years.
Kathy and I went to see Dr. Fuhrman and we came away with a renewed respect for healthy eating and putting micronutrients into our bodies at every meal! Micronutrients have little to no calories but they do have phytochemicals which fuel the body vs. macronutrients that have lots of calories that are made up of fat, carbs and protein. More than you need and therefore you gain weight and keep it on. Macronutrients speeds the aging process, causes inflammation, breaks down our cell walls and simply causes havoc inside our bodies. It’s what I was saying about bagels and chicken and how they are the same. Protein loads drives cancer in our blood cells and promotes prostate cancer in men. We, as American, have to stop medicating ourselves. Does it make sense to you that staying on meds is what God intended? Is he a God who cannot make our bodies work perfectly? Eating to live can make a huge difference in your life and quickly. Our bodies are amazing and wonderfully created. If we do right by it will: repair itself, reverse diseases, stop cancer, and prevent heart attacks. So why don’t we do something if it is that easy? Great question! I ask that too! Kathy and I decided we want to eat foods that promote health, growth and slows the aging process to nil. We committed to eating a mostly raw diet and little animal product. Here’s a brief sampling of where we are now.
As many of you know, I have been on this journey for close to 4 years now and Kathy has been joining me but never fully committing to the Eat To Live program until now. We began eating exactly according to the 6 week plan, me supporting her and she supporting me as we go through the journey. Both of us had to detox again, which is hard for a few days as your body gets use to the micronutrient load we are giving it. Both of us have lost weight (again) and both experienced withdrawal of macronutrient foods. I didn’t think I would have too much trouble. I haven’t been eating garbage foods but guess what, I was off just enough to have to go through the process again. Dr. Fuhrman spoke about this at the Immersion day and in his book. We knew it was coming. So what does hunger feel like and what does withdrawal feel like?
Withdrawal feels like many of us know as hunger, but guess what? Your body is trying to repair itself from the garbage food we fed it and now as it begins to repair it feels like discomfort and we want to feed it so the withdrawal stops. I was eating when I was bored, emotionally upset and stressed out. I had to make changes so when those triggers arise I can avoid making the old mistake of “oh, I’m hunger” feeling. Today, I think, I’m repairing and cleaning from the inside out.
Hunger is something that I feel in my throat. It’s weird, I know but true! I find myself salivating in my throat and then my heads begins to the taste sensation to the throat feeling and I know it’s been around 5-6 hours since I last ate. For many, that may be way too long between meals but, waiting longer periods between meals is actually very healthy for your body as it repairs and recovers from the last meal. The experts have different opinions on this but I believe Dr. Fuhrman has it right since science is on his side. Our organs need to rest between meals and they need to recover before we feed them again. This is God’s plan, not modern man’s plan. The Anabolic phase is when your body is converting food into fuel and digesting; you really don’t want to be at this phase through out the day, it’s not good for your body to always be digesting food. The phase you want to spend a good deal of your day in, not the Catabolic phase when your body is done digesting the food and begins to rest the organs. This may be a hard lesson to learn to understand but it’s important to know what is happening after eating.
Okay, what should eat? It’s simple and it’s what God intended. Beans, fruits, nuts and seeds, lots of green lefty veggies along with mushrooms and onions should be eaten everyday. There’s a cool acronym for this called G.O.M.B.B.S which translates to Greens, Onions, Mushrooms, Beans Berries and Seeds. If you live by this simple acronym you will be doing a great service to your body and will see results very quickly. If you want to lose weight I am going to provide some cool recipes that Kathy and I have tried and love! If you want to reverse diabetes or blocked arteries this diet will do that too, what if you are healthy? This will be your thing and something for you to get excited about. Remember that eating whole foods are better than the same food that has been processed. For example, sunflower seeds are great for you, but the sunflower oil not so much. When we modify foods into something different they turn into BAD fat instead of healthy fat your body can use as fuel and not store as sugar. A good way to understand this is to remember: Bad fat allows the storing of fat within 3-5 minutes of eating it, so it’s minutes from the lips to the hips! Is that what you want? If you are overweight, it’s the last thing you want so stop using modified foods and stick with the whole food. Raw foods, scares people, I think, raw sounds bad and too crunchy, guess what, God wanted us to eat whole foods raw, because they are still alive and will be turn into great fuel in our bodies! It really does make sense if you understand how we were meant to be. Think of this; a palmful of nuts and/or seeds prevents overeating because they will fill you up and won’t go to your hips. Beans are the same way, beans are a perfect food, and they do so much for us every time we eat them. Beans everyday will help your weight control and keep you from feeling empty.
Next post will be recipes and more from what Kathy and I learned from our journey. We want to be a support for you and a guide into a new world of health. I encourage you to read Dr. Fuhrman’s book Eat To Live and get committed to your future. I’ll see you again with recipes and more next time.
To your health,