Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Raw foods 101

People ask me about my raw journey and how can I eat everything raw? It’s an easy answer, I don’t. Raw includes many fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds of which I eat everyday in some form or another. In the summer, I eat most everything raw (cold) but in the winter I eat some of my foods warmed but I try not to kill the live nutrients and enzymes. So what are we talking about? When I heat up my food I try to keep it under 105 degrees, some people go as high as 110-118 degrees but that is too hot for me. If the food is hot on my skin, it’s over cooked. I choose to eat this way because it makes sense that if the food is alive and I consume it, the live enzymes will be beneficial to my body and immunity. I’ll avoiding processed foods and foods that have been cooked so much the nutrients are dead and therefore, the benefit of eating is no longer.
I blend foods, juice daily and toss many foods together for a salad or a mixture. For example, last night’s supper; I had soup warmed to about 100 degrees, I heated asparagus, spinach, mushrooms and red pepper together and then placed them on the plate with a pile of freshly grown sprouts from my indoor sprouting garden. The meal was fantastic and I was full! If you could have joined me you would have been satisfied and understood how I eat this way. Foods taste better in their natural state which is good for you, good for the planet and overall creates a well-being.
I dehydrate foods as well and they are not as active with the enzymes but still very good for you. I want living food instead of food which no longer has anything to offer me or my immunity. Take an apple, it contains water, has enzymes and will continue to ripen until it decomposes back to the earth, this is the food God intended us to eat. Foods with water are excellent because we all know water is the basis of our living bodies. I soak nuts before eating or using in a recipe because they are easier to digest and nothing is lost in the taste.  I sprouting seeds all the time, in fact when I go today, I will harvest enough sprouts for the rest of this week and into next week. Sprouting is a great way to add young nutrients into your system. I love the taste of them and I sprout all kinds. I get my seeds online and they are fresh and ready to go. If you are interested, let me know and I’ll give you the URL to help get you started. Sprouting takes up very little space, but produces a great crop every few days. Today for lunch I had veggie wrap loaded with fresh sprouts. Excellent meal! I love radish sprouts because they are hot like radishes and I enjoy the added burst of favor. I drink wheat grass juice to and that has anything and everything a person would want and the taste is not that bad for you prudes. My wife, who has a selective tongue, enjoys wheatgrass so there you go, give it a try sometime. These foods are a great way to transition from breads, sugars and processed foods. I encourage you to eat food that will nourish your body and build your immunity. From my last two articles (Super Immunity equals Super Health) you now know that a healthy immune system will keep you from getting sick or worst, ending up with a disease or cancer.
What we eat also has a large impact on the planet, meats are hard to produce and take more acreage to produce than plant based foods. There’s whole article in just the damage done to our planet producing animal foods. So we look better and feel a lot better on the inside. You will ingest fewer toxins, chemicals which places less stress on your immune system. Eating meat causes stress on most every organ in your body, which in turns breaks down the immunity and allows free radicals to grow. This doesn’t make sense to me so I eat a fairly raw diet.
What does raw mean exactly?  I wondered that too in the beginning, high raw is about 70-100% raw each day, raw is eating 50% or more. When you think about it, you eat raw food (fruits and nuts); it’s a matter of choosing to ingest rawer foods into your system. I encourage you to find what works for you. Don’t rush into this and don’t feel pressured either. The choice of the way I eat took me about 6 months of exploring and playing around with my food choices. I wasn’t planning on going raw, it just happened over time. How much raw you eat probably changes with the seasons and what’s going on in your life.  Most of us eat rawer in the summer because cold food tastes good going down. If you do nothing more than to avoid processed foods with no or little nutrients, you are headed in the right direction.
Something I found helpful when shopping for foods and maybe you too, are the PLU codes on food labels.
·        A 4 digits number means it is conventionally grown usually with pesticides.
·        A 5 digit number starting with 9 is organically grown. (Plants that are sprayed need to be purchased organic. A good rule of thumb, if you don’t peel it or cut the outer layer off, it probably should be organic, like strawberries or blueberries, bananas are ok to buy non-organic because you peel the skin off))
·        A 5 digit number starting an 8 means it has been genetically modified.
You may not know that raw foodists have a glow about their skin and in their eyes. Our skin is our largest organ, right, so it’s the healthiest or weakness sign of purity on us. If you want nice clear skin, shiny hair, strong nails and bright eyes; give raw a try for a few days and see the different. My finger nails grow faster and strong with whiter white tips. People have actually noticed my finger nails—seems creepy that someone noticed but it has happened. You can get a glow on and an overall vitality in no time. My wife comments on my high energy levels, even at night and the about work I accomplish each day. I feel great and if I feel sluggish I know I haven’t eaten right. It makes a huge difference in my overall system. My arthritis has faded away and I don’t have any pains, so I’m free to exercise and enjoy life to the fullest. One last benefit, you can eat more and not gain weight or actually lose weight. It’s crazy but so true!
To your health,

Friday, February 24, 2012

Part II: Super Immunity Equals Super Health

Welcome back to the second half of this discussion on super immunity foods and a better way of life. Almost everyone I know worries about their weight and neglects their health. If I’m in my target range then I’m a happy camper. That may not be completely true, many have sacrifice their health over dieting and I ask those people something like, wow, you‘ve 65 pounds, of what? Usually most are taken back because who cares man, its 65 pounds! If it is 65 pounds of muscle you have done harm to your body and you look bad.  If you have not eaten foods that build your systems to create a stronger person, you have not done the right thing by yourself. Don’t get me all wrong here; losing weight for those obese is a good thing (I think).
I wrote a while back on carbs and how many do we need, I’ve covered the diet area and now I want to talk about the micronutrients and what is really important in our daily choices for foods. It’s not about high crabs vs. low carbs, low fat vs. fat or things that most of us see as important, this isn’t creating a healthy immune system and healthy bodies. What’s most important is the deficiencies in our diets. Losing weight is key but at what cost to our system? We eat too many processed foods, too many fast foods and therefore the raise in breast cancer, one links to the other.
Micronutrients are found in green veggies and are our survival foods. They give us lots of energy, low calories and optimal amounts of nutrients to fight off diseases and cancer. Science has proven that people who eat these types of foods are rarely get sick. What we’re finding is that we can eat these foods everyday and build a super immunity inside your body. What foods are best to eat? Below is a list of the top micronutrient foods.
Kale    watercress     collards          brussel sprouts         bok choy        spinach          arugula          cabbage            broccoli          cauliflower    romaine lettuce        onions            asparagus      leeks   strawberries            mushrooms   tomatoes        pomegranates           blackberries blueberries    raspberries    sunflower seeds  flax seeds       hemp seeds   chia seeds      almonds         cashews         avocados       oatmeal

If you eat some of these foods in your diet each day, you are off on the right path! These foods need to be your main foods while you are building your immunity and losing weight (if needed). Bottom line (and here is where I lose many of you), we need to stop eating animal products and foods that are empty of nutrients and processed foods that contain toxins, such as sugar, sweeteners, white flour, refined oils and fast food places. For many this is a hard pill to swallow but it’s for your health. Take small steps at first and your immune system into a super powerhouse that fights off diseases and cancer.  
To your health,

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Super Immunity equals Super Health

Super Immunity and great health are one and the same! What you eat determines so many things, such as getting a cold or the flu. How cool would it be to not get sick when everyone else seems to be hacking and coughing, walking around half dead? Our immune system works to protect us from mild infections but also protects our heart and organ functions throughout our life. This immune system can make you healthier, happier, live longer and be more productive, what more can I say? We need to think about eating for our immune system and not our hunger pains!
We are exposed to so many dangerous infections, exotic microbes and bacteria that want to wreak havoc in our bodies which lead to cancer and other illnesses. These days we live in a global culture where things are spread the brought from part of the world to another like never before and we wonder why we are as sick as we are or why cancer is prevalent.  It’s the culture we live in and the processed foods we eat. No parent would serve their kids disease for supper, yet feeding them fast food may be doing just that. A diet of fast foods and junk foods cause so many diseases and we keep right on feeding our children the future, foods that promote an unhealthy immunity rather than the strongest immunity possible. Why? It’s in our culture. We live fast paced lives and therefore, stopping at a fast food place is easy and quick and everyone is happy, except our immune system.
We expect science to cure cancers and diseases, but why not prevent them in the first place?  Our bodies can protect themselves very well if given the right foods. Medicine is not the answer! I don’t want to wait to get really sick to begin fighting off some disease or worst. I’m fighting now before it ever gets a hold of my immunity. What about you? Doesn’t it make sense if our bodies will respond to good foods and fight the battle, why wait for the sickness to begin the meds? Too many people believe healthy eating is just too expensive, but I believe curing the disease is so much more expensive. For example, if you have allergies to pollen, ragweed, cats etc… eating nutrients will help your body fight those off and your allergies will subside. I’m living proof; I had all kinds of allergies and now nothing. If you immune system is weak you are exposed to anything coming at you and then you go to the doctor’s and they give you antibiotics and other meds that can contribute to the development of cancer later in life. Drugs are toxic and just because the doctor gives them to you doesn’t mean there are consequences down the road. Too many rely on meds to feel good and stay healthy; didn’t God make your body? Then it can do what God intended it to do and I’m impressed how well it responds to nutrient rich foods.
I ask you, do you get sick often? If something is passing around at work do you usually get it? Did you see the doctor in the last for a sickness and needed a prescription? Changes are if you said yes, your system is not as strong as it could be/should be. You are at risk for more serious diseases later in life. The good news, you can begin to build your immunity now and within a very short time frame have super immunity. What do we need to do?
Eat foods that are nutrient dense, that have the fighting powers our bodies need to be healthy. I’m talking leafy greens, the darker the better. I’m talking plants that are still alive. Doesn’t it make sense to eat something still alive and take from it the nutrients already present? Seriously, this is easy science and nothing too difficult. Salad is the main course for lunch and supper along with other veggies, fruits and legumes. A combo of these foods and your body will be singing you praises and growing a healthy immune system to fight anything that comes along! It true, I have found that mushrooms and onions together are becomes super foods. How easy is this? Taking a vitamin is not very effective but eating these two foods is incredibly effective for creating a vitamin rich immune system; the way God intended for us be. It’s built in to their properties.  Foods to consider buying and eating are: Bok Choy, asparagus, cabbage, collards, red peppers, Swiss chard, peas, squash and green peppers to get you started. They can be eaten raw or cooked but not overly cooked where the nutrients are left in the pan that they were cooked.  Fresh plants contain so many beneficial nutrients and are highly complex; we need to eat them daily and in their rawest form to get the most from them. Does this seem weird to you? It was to me too, but I learned that I enjoyed the taste and have grown to really love eating veggies right from the fridge. It’s crazy, I’ll bring fresh veggies to work and snack on them or have them for lunch and I have energy and I’m more productive, not sluggish after I eat. My body is charged not drained to digestion for the next hour. It is the phytochemicals that runs our bodies anticancer defenses, it’s the best defense we can get!
Tomorrow I will talk more about nutrients and foods to help make you the stronger you can be with the best immunity possible. You can achieve great health and it’s not very difficult. I needed someone to help me understand eating and foods to eat in order to become a super immune person. I want that for you. I want you to live to a ripe old age and enjoy every minute of your life. It’s within your power and to your advantage to consider making changes. Come back for more foods and more info to help you make great decisions for you and your children.
To your health,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You can start losing weight made easy.

I want to start off easy at losing weight, what can I do? I have what I call the 5 pillars of success. No matter what level of fitness you are or how much weight you want to lose this can work for you and it’s not too radical. It looks like this:
  1. 1.      Eat six times a day to keep your body fueled and running. Each meal should    be  small but carry a big impact. I always try to keep my blood sugar level and from spiking. This keeps your metabolism steady and losing weight is easy.
2.      Leave the processed foods alone. You don’t need highly processed foods which have hidden junk in them and way too much salt. Your food should come from the ground or have a mother, if not think about how good it is for your body. By eating whole foods you’ll be happier and feel fuller longer. This will help you stay on target.
3.      Stay hydrated. Drink water. Drink water and drink more water. You don’t need that can of pop or sugar drink, water is perfect. It will keep you in shape, works with your body’s antioxidant systems.
4.      Eat lean meat. We need protein and I get mine from the veggies I eat but you can eat meat which will keep you happy. The best sources are fish and chicken. Try low fat dairy products like Greek yogurt. Remember to eat lots of fresh veggies and salads during the day. Salad is the main meal.
5.      Be careful with Carbs. Remember carbs come two ways: Starchy and fast acting like breads and pasta which raise your blood sugar levels. Try non-starchy carbs like fruits, veggies and whole grains which help level your blood sugars. Eat good carbs in the morning and after your exercise for you refueling.
You can do this and begin to see weight lost. The more you input into this the better the results.  Start off exercising two times a week for a two weeks and then add day every third week until you are exercising 6 days a week. You should break a sweat when you exercise for two reasons; one to work out toxins and second it lets you know you are working hard enough to lose weight. If you are out of shape then work up to that, never overwork yourself to pain! However, try pushing your heart some and see how you do. Always be careful not to injury yourself. That just slows down the process and bums you out. Remember it took a long time to get this way and it takes a long time to reshape you back to health. Everything is in your power!

To your health,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why did I let myself get fat?

Why did I let myself get fat?

I didn’t even see myself as fat. It’s true, I didn’t see it coming until one day I looked in a full length mirror and WOW, which was a shock and wake up call. I was immediately embarrassed and really taken back by what I saw. That day was a changing day but nothing happened. I wasn’t ready to admit that was me and I wasn’t prepared to make any changes. So there I was, feeling weird about myself and not knowing what to do.
My wife, Kathy, had gain weight too. She was the first to make a move in a positive direction. Kathy answer was to get up at 5:30 in the morning and exercise for a half hour. Not me, I didn’t know there were two 5:30’s in a day! She got up everyday and exercised while everyday I stayed in bed. I had no motivation.  This went on for 6 months, literally, but that spring Kathy and I made plans to build a deck on our back area of the house. Two weeks of heat and work outside was what I needed. I had lost some weight and began wanting to lose more. I got up with her and the dog dragged me around the neighborhood while Kathy walked on the treadmill.  The dog walked me all summer early in the morning. One day I tried running and whoa, that was hard. My lungs, my heart and my body rejected me right them there! The following week I tried again, same thing, so I figured I’m too old to run and walking is people my age should do. As the summer passed I lost some more weight and I felt much better than I had in years. As the fall the came around, I moved my routine indoors and we bought an elliptical machine so we could each have a machine to use and to switch off every other day.  Man we worked that room every morning at 5:30 and it was OUR routine now and I looked forward to it and the days I didn’t want to get up but Kathy did and I felt guilty. She inspired me!
I knew I had to make better choices of my eating habits. Mainly, any changes had to be good since I ate anything and everything! And if it was sweet, I had 2-3-5 pieces. I didn’t realize I was addicted to food. Food an addiction? That was a new concept. I began buying books on foods and calories.  That was okay for a time and then I wasn’t losing any more weight and yet I was still fat! My BMI was still at 32 and my waist size was 44. A colleague of mine, Gary Thomas, told me about what he was doing and he was eating twice as much I and losing weight! I wanted to learn about that plan. It was Eat to Live by Dr. Fuhrman. It’s a great book that talks about food addiction and how to break that addiction in your life.
I began the 6 week challenge and found that the pounds came off and each week was journey of finding new foods and the more I ate the more weight came off. At the end of 6 weeks, I had lost 24 pounds and they have stayed off! (It’s been close to 2 years now). That was the motivating factor in completing my weight lost journey. I started eating more raw foods, hardly any processed foods and exercise was a way of life. I decided early on I wasn’t going for a certain weight but rather I wanted my body to determine what my ideal weight would be. That took off any pressure to reach a number (real or unreal). After several more weeks I landed and have stayed the same since. I have heavier days and I have lighter days but I remain the same in a given month. I’m trying new foods all the time, experimenting with tastes and textures, started growing sprouts, juicing veggies. Life is great and I’m excited about the life style Kathy and I now have. We share this journey together even though Kathy still eats meat on a regular basis. We respect each other’s needs and desires. In reality, Kathy eats pretty much everything I eat and doesn’t venture out of the program very often.  As a couple, this is our hobby, something we do together and exercising is a part of our daily lives. We live a healthy life together!
The bottom line here is that you too, can lose the weight. Over time I realized why I became fat, I was under stress and didn’t like where I was in life. Food suppressed the hurt I had inside. I had to make changes and fixed certain areas of my life. Some of those changes were very hard and took time to complete. It’s not an overnight fix here and it is not a diet and that do and then go off of, you are starting a new life of energy, fitness, and longevity. I look forward to future with no cancer, no aches and pains and arthritis, which is in my family and I have, does not hurt and stop me from becoming and doing anything I want. LIFE IS GOOD!
To your health,

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Skinny on carbohydrates

Carbohydrates: How many do you need in a day?

This is a crazy topic with lots of info out there and yet seemingly hard to understand. My wife and I use a BodyMeida armband that measures most everything we do in a day, including sleep patterns and total food intake. The food intake is done by us entering our food we've eaten for the day with the nutritional information included. At the end, we can see how many calories we burned, and everything else that came with the food we ate for the day. The BodyMedia then lets us know if we ate too many carbs or not enough, too fats, etc… All this gets a little overwhelming but it is interesting to see the numbers at the end of the day. This, of course, is only as accurate as the info we put into the computer. I got to wondering one day what my carbohydrate consumption should be each day. How would one find that info out and should we care, really?
As I was following the Eat To Live , carbs didn’t matter, as long as I ate green leafy veggies, beans and the like; which tells me there are good carbs and bad carbs. We need to choose whole, unprocessed plant foods that ensure we are getting the best nutrient rich foods possible for our bodies to digest. For example: if you are tempted to eat white bread, a better choice is 7 grain bread, enriched pasta try cracked wheat instead. If you want a chocolate chip cookie, go with strawberries and skip the loaded carbs that will raise your glycemic level. Look for foods high in fibers; they will give you lots of micronutrients; which in turn will keep your glycemic levels from spiking.  When buying packaged foods, always check the labels and look for “Whole grains” hopefully no corn syrup or something that ends in “ose,” which is a sugar product. I still follow the Eat To Live program because it works, no guessing.
What are goods carbs? Here’s a list of what I have found to be good carbs: beans, peas, wild rice, fresh fruits, barley, and oatmeal just to name a few. However, carbs that I usually avoid are white flour, cold cereals, fruit juices, sugar, and sweeteners. These high-glycemic carbs do not offer nutrition which will add fat, they suppress the immune system and not good for any of us. My rule of thumb is to avoid anything with “white.” I like what Dr. Fuhrman says, “The whiter the bread, the sooner you’re dead.’ (page 115, Super Immunity)
So, how many carbs do I need each day? Typically we don’t count carbs unless you are doing so as a diabetes-management program. I have researched several math formulas that figure out the daily amount per person, which usually say about ¾ of your calories should come from carbs. This assumes that you are eating nutrient rich plant based foods that are not processed and as intact as nature intended.  If that is the case, then don’t bother counting the carbs, just don’t avoid them either. Each healthy raw veggies, dark green leafy salads and beans everyday and you will be doing a great job feeding your body the nutrients it needs and you will lose weight or maintain, whichever, stage you are in. Avoid processed foods, most beneficial nutrients are gone and that is more important to watch than the carbs intake. In fact, most people think that carbs equals fat, not true. Carbs are the building blocks, the fuel our body’s use each day to sustain us. Simply choose something other than white simple carbs and go for the complex carbs found in nature. By making informed choices you will see results and feel great everyday! Your glycemic level won’t go up and down and you will burn a steady stream of calories, which is what we are trying to strive for in our journey on health.

To your health,

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What are ANTIOXIDANTS and why do I need them?

It’s a great question that I asked and have researched only to find they date back to the beginning of time! The oceans are rich with minerals and seawater provides a perfect condition for antioxidants to grow and they, in turn, protect the sea life from free radicals. Who knew? I knew seaweed was excellent for our bodies and eat it most every week, but I didn’t think much beyond that. Here’s what I have found.
The hunter/gathers got their food for thousands of years, mostly eating vegetables, fruits and lean wild meat, along with nuts and fish. We have called this time, “the survival of the fittest” and you know, they were right on target. It was the perfect diet for them and for us today.
Jump forward thousands of years to Emperor Hadrian (122AD), a Roman Commander who ate vegetables, fruits, fish, olive oil and nuts, we call the Mediterranean diet, which he shared with his military and people. Hadrian lived to be 62, pretty old for those days and by Roman standards. His diet may have had a positive affect!
Before antioxidants were known, engineers were using antioxidants to prevent metal from corroding. No one thought about how that principle might work on us humans. If it prevented corrosion on metal, what would it do to our system?  In 1954, Denham Harman, a Medical Physics at U.C. Berkeley discovered the role of free radicals and aging. He explored how this food type processed in our systems. He found numerous things happening and began to explore the role of antioxidants in our foods.
It wasn’t until the 1980s and into the 90s that antioxidants were fully understood and identified as phytochemical food components. Scientists began to measure the adsorption and the therapeutic values of antioxidants. Antioxidants were coming of age and coming out of the closet.
They are nutrients in plant based foods, known as phytochemicals and you find them in deeply colored fresh veggies and fruit. They have this power to destroy free radicals and turn them into waste that the body then eliminates.  Antioxidants go around our system finding cells to destroy and save you from disease, cancer and aging. Eating them as part of your main diet you will protect yourself from getting sick, you’ll find your skin is clearer and the whites of your eyes are brighter, plus your fingernails will be whiter too. The effects are everywhere and are seen through our skin, eyes and nails. You’ll not feel better; you’ll be healthier and stronger when it comes to fighting off illnesses and more.
What is this thing called a “free radicals?” It is a molecule with one electron missing, which leaves free radicals very unstable. As you might imagine they attack stable molecules taking their electrons and thus making that stable molecule a new free radical (unstable) and making a new free radical to damage the body. It’s a crazy/viscous cycle.
Antioxidants support our cardiovascular system, supports our healthy cells, boosts our immunity, slows down the effects on aging and recent studies suggest they assist in weight management as well. We need to eat the dark leafy greens, deep colored veggies and fruits knowing they will fight off the harmful molecules in our system and protect us from disease and cancer. Knowing all this, doesn’t it make more sense to eat a plant based food along with fruits and nuts? Our ancestors ate this way and I believe it is the way our God created us. He knew what we needed. Make a decision to eat raw and slightly cooked foods, less meat (or no meat), more beans and nuts to boost your health and slow down the aging process. I now know what antioxidants are and how they work in my system, which helps me, understand why the food I eat make me a healthier individual. I need to know the “why” so I can use it to my advantage and now you can too.

To your health,

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ra w Food and Weight Loss
Below is an article from one of the leaders in the Raw Food world and a great coach. Karen Knowler opens up and tells a very honest story about her weight and her journey. I found it so compelling that I wanted to share it here. At the end of the article, Karen has her website details if you want to learn more about her.
Many people are attracted to raw foods as a tool for weight loss; in fact that was one of my own most compelling personal motivations way back in 1993. After all, to eat a diet that was mostly fresh fruits and vegetables can only mean a lean, mean fighting machine surely?

Well, yes and no.

This week’s article is an insight into how raw foods can help you lose weight but also how, no matter what you eat (yes, even raw), you can also keep weight on!
My own raw food/weight loss story is probably the best way I can illustrate what’s possible (and isn’t) with raw foods. I’m sure if you are struggling with weight loss, or have struggled in the past, something about my story will help or resonate with you, and hopefully give you more insights into your own weight loss journey.
As mentioned, in 1993 I found out about raw foods and as I still had some weight to lose, the promise of creating or “unveiling” my perfect body was of course way too alluring not to give it a shot.

So off I went bringing in more raw foods left right and centre, and making the rest of my meals as healthy and wholesome as possible. Rather surprisingly (to me) I found this not only easy, but way more delicious than any other way of eating I had previously tried. In fact the only cooked foods I really ate after about a year were cooked veggies, pasta sauces now and again, whole grain rice, pasta, bread and potatoes.

Within the first year my body did look incredibly different. Not only was I eating a truly great predominantly raw and living foods diet, but I was also exercising and leading a very fulfilling life, living in an environment I loved and loving my job too. I had never looked or felt better, ever. I was 22 years old.

Everyone at work couldn’t quite understand what I was doing, thinking I was on a diet, and yet everyone was commenting on how well I looked and my obvious weight loss, and yes, how happy I was too. In fact over the first two years or so of dabbling with raw foods, I lost something in the region of 20 lb completely effortlessly. I just ate great raw foods, moved a lot, and got on and enjoyed my life.

Yet, within a year or three, despite still eating predominantly or even all raw foods, my weight had started coming back on again, and I was a rather rotund raw foodist to say the least! In fact, to look at me you wouldn’t have known I was on any kind of healthy eating plan, apart from the fact that I looked a lot younger than my years and still had unstoppable energy.

So while I was still mostly raw, my “results” were very different. How so? Well, this is what most of today’s article is about. This article will illustrate how raw food is great for weight loss, but as always, it’s only part of a much broader picture.

So what had changed over the course of the first four or so years?

Well, firstly, what I ate had changed quite dramatically. Yes, it was still mostly raw foods, but it wasn’t raw and living foods. I was relying more on fresh fruits, nuts, dried fruits, lots of avocadoes, and I also wasn’t exercising much anymore. I also was eating when I wasn’t always hungry. And sometimes I was overeating long after my hunger had been satisfied.

If you don’t already know it, then eating when hungry is the number one rule of weight loss, whatever food you might be eating. The body quite simply knows when it has had enough and will tell you. Then it’s up to “us” to stop, put the fork down and walk away. Having had countless conversations about this coupled with my own experience, I have to say, however, that learning or being able to do this on a cooked and processed diet is a lot more difficult than it is on a high or all raw diet. A LOT more difficult, if not impossible at times, as quite simply the body’s inner harmony can become easily disrupted in the presence of unhealthy foods, which usually only stimulate it, thus making the messages a lot more difficult to hear. So the quality of the conversation you have with your body is always going to be directly proportional to the quality of your food.

As I was already eating mostly or all raw foods and yet was still eating when I wasn’t hungry, what was that all about?

Well, again, things had changed. Now I was no longer happy with my life, my job, my living environment and everything about my external life felt wrong. This meant that my internal life was pretty miserable too, which meant that I ate. And I ate when I wasn’t hungry, which meant that I was overriding the messages from my body (which was desperately trying to help me regain balance), which meant that I was not only out of alignment in my everyday life, but that I was now ignoring my body and just eating raw anyway, but in this chapter mostly unconsciously. Eating raw had now become just a habit, just something I did.

So the whole raw experience for me had started off so beautifully in a perfect and wonderful setting (i.e. a great life) but it all went pear-shaped (literally!) when my life circumstances and inner world came out of balance and harmony.

And as with everything in life, one large or small choice can set up a whole chain of events. One thing leads to another until we are either in greater harmony than before, or less harmony – we can never stand still.

Over the past few years I have been asked a lot about my own weight loss and gain, and thankfully my more recent (and final) loss. Having been through the raw food wringer I feel I really have got a handle on what stops people losing weight despite what foods they are eating, and largely they are emotional. When the heart is hungry the hand tends to reach out, and down the chute goes the “love”. And this love can take the form of a cheese sandwich, or a raw coconut cookie, or a raw chocolate smoothie. Anything goes!

For real and long lasting weight loss, all areas of life need to be looked at. How happy are you at home, in your relationship, in your work, in your everyday life? How emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically fulfilled are you? As long as you feel empty inside you will likely have a tendency to fill it up with something, anything, and that, more often than not, will be food. And that might be cooked or raw.

One of the main reasons why I am a raw food coach as well as a raw food teacher, is that over the years through much trial and tribulation I have come to know the secrets to leading a truly wonderful raw life. Having lived both sides of the fence I know now, without a shadow of a doubt that it really is a whole person journey. To live on live foods for the rest of your life you will need to bring the rest of your life up to speed with you, and that can mean looking at all those things that bother you, that you’d really rather just sweep under the carpet and forget about, or that you feel are way too much work to address so ignore them for as long as humanly possible. Well, as you also know, unfortunately they may be out of sight but they’ll never be out of mind. Without a peaceful mind, having a peaceful body is a very hard thing to accomplish indeed! I now work with people to address these issues in a loving and supportive environment, because I know that just pointing these things out isn’t always enough. Sometimes you need someone on your side who “just knows”.

For my own part, not only did I transform every area of my life, but I also transformed possibly every aspect of the way I looked at life, what I chose to believe about it, the people I surrounded myself with, the amount of freedom I gave myself to be true to myself and to follow my own path, wherever that took me. I also needed to heal certain patterns that had stood in the way of weight loss, and pay really close attention to what I believed about myself and my weight to finally let it go forever.

Thankfully today, I am leaner, slimmer and stronger than I have ever been. My life has never been fuller but I have never been more able to handle it. Surprisingly to many I actually weigh more than I did back in 1994 when I first lost my “cooked food body” but today I wear smaller clothes than I did then, proving that my body has ditched the toxins, holds less water (no need to keep those toxins at hip reach!) and quite possibly has more muscle than ever before. I feel strong, powerful and alive! And this is why I coach. Because having the body that you want might not always be as easy as just eating raw foods!
© 2012 Karen Knowler
Karen Knowler, The Raw Food Coach publishes "Successfully Raw" - a free weekly eZine for raw food lovers everywhere. If you're ready to look good, feel great and create a raw life you love get your FREE tips, tools and recipes now at www.TheRawFoodCoach.com.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

To your Brain Health

Many of us don’t think about brain health and getting old. Our brains need to be healthy as much any other organ in the body. Do you want Alzheimer’s later in life? I watched my grandmother suffer for more than 10 years with this disease. It is an awful thing that takes the person’s life from them but keeps the body alive. I know for a fact my grandmother would never have wanted that for her end years of her life. So the question then is, am I genetically predisposed to this? No, definitely not.
Research says if we do our part by preventing certain factors like obesity, diabetes, smoking and low to no physical activity we can stave off this disease. In fact you can actually boost your brain’s health! We need to move to keep the brain young. Art Kramer, Ph.D. at the University of Illinois believes that higher level of exercise will reduce dementia by as much 30%-40%. Exercising works the hippocampus area of the brain which works with memory formation. As we get older the hippocampus shrinks and that leads to loss of memory. However, exercise triggers the growth of nerve cells and promotes new nerve growth.
So how much exercise are we talking about? Roughly 150 minutes a week or about 20-25 minutes a day (6 days a week) of regular exercise will help maintain your brain’s health. The more you push your workout the more benefits you will get. What am I saying? Go for walks or do a workout, whatever you are capable of doing and as you get good that exercise try to increase the workout to a more moderate pace. Take your time though; we’re not here to hurt ourselves, just get the brain’s hippocampus area firing more nerve endings.
Another idea is to seek out new skills; this will spur the brain into new growth as well. Remember, “What fires together wires together.” It’s also true that you “use it or lost it.” Learn new things; challenge the brain with engaging activities that will help maintain the brain from losing its function. When the lights go out in the brain, they won’t come back on. Read, take a class, learn to sew or take up painting, any of these activities will boost your brain power and keep the lights on longer.
Eating the right foods can help, such as fish, veggies, fruits, nuts and beans. Yes, it is the Mediterranean style diet of eating like a Greek. Eating these foods will reduce Alzheimer’s by as much as 34%-48%. That is huge!! Eating the right foods can be a big factor in preventing this disease.  You can do that! A recent study shows that seniors who ate more leafy greens and fruit experienced a lower decline in cognitive brain function. You do that too, at your age you can get a stronghold on creating a healthy brain. Eating healthy aids the brain’s potential in boosting the nerve growth from one end to the other. Drink vegetable juice if you don’t eat veggies, this works just as well. You need at least three serving of veggies, beans and fruit each week for brain health. If you like spicy foods, the brain loves spicing it up and enjoys them as much as your taste buds do going down. Spices like, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, oregano, basil and vanilla are high in antioxidants, which builds brain power! Did you know American Indians have a lower incident of Alzheimer’s because they eat spices in most of their foods which then bonds with the plague that accumulates in the brain and releases the plague build up? What have we got to lose? Brain health isn’t that hard to maintain and as we get older, we can thank ourselves for the health we gave it years earlier. It’s another reason to eat right, get exercise and enjoy life!  I want you to be excited about your health and to feel your best NOW. None of us can afford to wait. Eating plant based foods, enjoying beans and downing 3-4 fruits a day is something I look forward to and I feel great inside and my skin (the largest organ in the body) responds by glowing with clear, bright eyes and a clean complexion. I want all of this for you and your life!  It’s time to think—brain health.

To your health,


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Today is a new day. A day to make  choices and decisions about how you live and what goes in your mouth. For me, there are hard days and better days. Some days I’m hungry and want to eat anything and everything, I still have “food addicted” days. Some foods are no problem at all, like meats; I can live and never eat meat again. Sweets are a different story, I struggle at night with this on a regular basis and I must make choices. Sometimes I get busy with something and the struggle goes away, other times no matter what I do, the struggle is bigger than me (Sometimes I bomb). At these times I eat fruit, "juicy" fruit like an orange or a pear.  This may not work for you; we all find ways of coping and dealing with the stress of addictions. The night time is the worst for me, what about you?
Knowing I have food addictions (mostly under control), I have to plan ahead for when I get hungry. This is where meal planning becomes very important. I do plan my meals so I know what I’m going to eat and can look forward to it throughout the day. I don't want to get caught searching for food, that tends to be bad eating choices.  I eat a lot at each meal so I won’t hunger any time too soon. I need to plan and prepare so I have a good day eating without going off track.  Most days I am successful but there are days that eat the wrong food. I’m being honest and transparent for you so you know that successful people still have a hard time with addictions and old habits. BUT, I get right back on track and attempt to not let those foods become my life (and they don’t)!
My journey has been over four years now (May is my fifth anniversary), I have followed this lifestyle for a year and a half on the Eat to Live  by Dr. Fuhrman (get the book and read it, it is my Bible on eating and living a healthy lifestyle). It has been a real eye opener and I have learned so much and experienced so many new foods and began creating recipes for myself and others who want them. It is my goal this year to pay my blessings forward and to bless others with what I’ve gained from studying under Dr. Fuhrman. I feel so much better, can do so much more and enjoy the way I look. Am I perfect, no way, happier—YES! Is it time for you to try something new? I might re-word the question by saying: How’s your lifestyle working for you? If not so well, then join me in living your life and breaking food addictions that are holding you back from being at the weight you want to be. You can do IT! Believe in yourself and accept help and support from me and others who are the journey too. Follow my blog and ask questions. You are not alone. In fact, this very act of beginning a lifestyle makes you a brave person and a healthier one at that.

To your health!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pomegranates: Super Food from the past!
Pomegranates are from Asia and the Mediterranean but are grown in California too. Over the last ten years research has discovered that pomegranates have anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, anticarcinogenic properties that can help in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, bacterial infections and ultraviolet radiation-induced skin damage. What doesn’t pomegranate do? You see by this list it must rank as a super food!
The juice and the seeds have properties that can prevent diseases including interference with tumor cell production, cell invasion and angiogenesis. The juice is excellent for so much of our everyday day that drinking it seems like a no brainer. When was the last time you drank the juice from a pomegranate? Exactly my point.

Let me list a few of the benefits of pomegranates:
1.      Inhibit breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, leukemia and prevents changes that promotes tumor growth.
2.      Has estrogen-like compounds that stimulate serotonin and estrogen receptors, improving symptoms of depressions.
3.      Its antioxotdative compounds that reverse anthersclerous and reduce blood clotting and platelet clumping.
4.      Reduces tissue damage in kidneys.
5.      Improves heart health.

I encourage you to begin buying and eating pomegranate seeds or the juice from a pomegranate. Here are a few tips on buying and opening a pomegranate. Buy firm fruit and keep in fridge for freshness. Cut the fruit through the center with a knife and spread apart to separate the two halves. Hold the fruit in one hand (seed side down) and using a wooden spoon over a large salad bowl begin banging the spoon on the fruit hard to release the seeds from the shell. Hit the fruit wherever there are seeds. It will release the seeds and you will most everyone out in no time.

You can eat the seeds plain, add to a salad, they freeze well and recipes are online to help you begin eating and experiencing the super food of pomegranate!
To your health,