Welcome back to the second half of this discussion on super immunity foods and a better way of life. Almost everyone I know worries about their weight and neglects their health. If I’m in my target range then I’m a happy camper. That may not be completely true, many have sacrifice their health over dieting and I ask those people something like, wow, you‘ve 65 pounds, of what? Usually most are taken back because who cares man, its 65 pounds! If it is 65 pounds of muscle you have done harm to your body and you look bad. If you have not eaten foods that build your systems to create a stronger person, you have not done the right thing by yourself. Don’t get me all wrong here; losing weight for those obese is a good thing (I think).
I wrote a while back on carbs and how many do we need, I’ve covered the diet area and now I want to talk about the micronutrients and what is really important in our daily choices for foods. It’s not about high crabs vs. low carbs, low fat vs. fat or things that most of us see as important, this isn’t creating a healthy immune system and healthy bodies. What’s most important is the deficiencies in our diets. Losing weight is key but at what cost to our system? We eat too many processed foods, too many fast foods and therefore the raise in breast cancer, one links to the other.
Micronutrients are found in green veggies and are our survival foods. They give us lots of energy, low calories and optimal amounts of nutrients to fight off diseases and cancer. Science has proven that people who eat these types of foods are rarely get sick. What we’re finding is that we can eat these foods everyday and build a super immunity inside your body. What foods are best to eat? Below is a list of the top micronutrient foods.
Kale watercress collards brussel sprouts bok choy spinach arugula cabbage broccoli cauliflower romaine lettuce onions asparagus leeks strawberries mushrooms tomatoes pomegranates blackberries blueberries raspberries sunflower seeds flax seeds hemp seeds chia seeds almonds cashews avocados oatmeal
If you eat some of these foods in your diet each day, you are off on the right path! These foods need to be your main foods while you are building your immunity and losing weight (if needed). Bottom line (and here is where I lose many of you), we need to stop eating animal products and foods that are empty of nutrients and processed foods that contain toxins, such as sugar, sweeteners, white flour, refined oils and fast food places. For many this is a hard pill to swallow but it’s for your health. Take small steps at first and your immune system into a super powerhouse that fights off diseases and cancer.
To your health,
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