Super Immunity and great health are one and the same! What you eat determines so many things, such as getting a cold or the flu. How cool would it be to not get sick when everyone else seems to be hacking and coughing, walking around half dead? Our immune system works to protect us from mild infections but also protects our heart and organ functions throughout our life. This immune system can make you healthier, happier, live longer and be more productive, what more can I say? We need to think about eating for our immune system and not our hunger pains!
We are exposed to so many dangerous infections, exotic microbes and bacteria that want to wreak havoc in our bodies which lead to cancer and other illnesses. These days we live in a global culture where things are spread the brought from part of the world to another like never before and we wonder why we are as sick as we are or why cancer is prevalent. It’s the culture we live in and the processed foods we eat. No parent would serve their kids disease for supper, yet feeding them fast food may be doing just that. A diet of fast foods and junk foods cause so many diseases and we keep right on feeding our children the future, foods that promote an unhealthy immunity rather than the strongest immunity possible. Why? It’s in our culture. We live fast paced lives and therefore, stopping at a fast food place is easy and quick and everyone is happy, except our immune system.
We expect science to cure cancers and diseases, but why not prevent them in the first place? Our bodies can protect themselves very well if given the right foods. Medicine is not the answer! I don’t want to wait to get really sick to begin fighting off some disease or worst. I’m fighting now before it ever gets a hold of my immunity. What about you? Doesn’t it make sense if our bodies will respond to good foods and fight the battle, why wait for the sickness to begin the meds? Too many people believe healthy eating is just too expensive, but I believe curing the disease is so much more expensive. For example, if you have allergies to pollen, ragweed, cats etc… eating nutrients will help your body fight those off and your allergies will subside. I’m living proof; I had all kinds of allergies and now nothing. If you immune system is weak you are exposed to anything coming at you and then you go to the doctor’s and they give you antibiotics and other meds that can contribute to the development of cancer later in life. Drugs are toxic and just because the doctor gives them to you doesn’t mean there are consequences down the road. Too many rely on meds to feel good and stay healthy; didn’t God make your body? Then it can do what God intended it to do and I’m impressed how well it responds to nutrient rich foods.
I ask you, do you get sick often? If something is passing around at work do you usually get it? Did you see the doctor in the last for a sickness and needed a prescription? Changes are if you said yes, your system is not as strong as it could be/should be. You are at risk for more serious diseases later in life. The good news, you can begin to build your immunity now and within a very short time frame have super immunity. What do we need to do?
Eat foods that are nutrient dense, that have the fighting powers our bodies need to be healthy. I’m talking leafy greens, the darker the better. I’m talking plants that are still alive. Doesn’t it make sense to eat something still alive and take from it the nutrients already present? Seriously, this is easy science and nothing too difficult. Salad is the main course for lunch and supper along with other veggies, fruits and legumes. A combo of these foods and your body will be singing you praises and growing a healthy immune system to fight anything that comes along! It true, I have found that mushrooms and onions together are becomes super foods. How easy is this? Taking a vitamin is not very effective but eating these two foods is incredibly effective for creating a vitamin rich immune system; the way God intended for us be. It’s built in to their properties. Foods to consider buying and eating are: Bok Choy, asparagus, cabbage, collards, red peppers, Swiss chard, peas, squash and green peppers to get you started. They can be eaten raw or cooked but not overly cooked where the nutrients are left in the pan that they were cooked. Fresh plants contain so many beneficial nutrients and are highly complex; we need to eat them daily and in their rawest form to get the most from them. Does this seem weird to you? It was to me too, but I learned that I enjoyed the taste and have grown to really love eating veggies right from the fridge. It’s crazy, I’ll bring fresh veggies to work and snack on them or have them for lunch and I have energy and I’m more productive, not sluggish after I eat. My body is charged not drained to digestion for the next hour. It is the phytochemicals that runs our bodies anticancer defenses, it’s the best defense we can get!
Tomorrow I will talk more about nutrients and foods to help make you the stronger you can be with the best immunity possible. You can achieve great health and it’s not very difficult. I needed someone to help me understand eating and foods to eat in order to become a super immune person. I want that for you. I want you to live to a ripe old age and enjoy every minute of your life. It’s within your power and to your advantage to consider making changes. Come back for more foods and more info to help you make great decisions for you and your children.
To your health,
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