Thursday, February 2, 2012

Today is a new day. A day to make  choices and decisions about how you live and what goes in your mouth. For me, there are hard days and better days. Some days I’m hungry and want to eat anything and everything, I still have “food addicted” days. Some foods are no problem at all, like meats; I can live and never eat meat again. Sweets are a different story, I struggle at night with this on a regular basis and I must make choices. Sometimes I get busy with something and the struggle goes away, other times no matter what I do, the struggle is bigger than me (Sometimes I bomb). At these times I eat fruit, "juicy" fruit like an orange or a pear.  This may not work for you; we all find ways of coping and dealing with the stress of addictions. The night time is the worst for me, what about you?
Knowing I have food addictions (mostly under control), I have to plan ahead for when I get hungry. This is where meal planning becomes very important. I do plan my meals so I know what I’m going to eat and can look forward to it throughout the day. I don't want to get caught searching for food, that tends to be bad eating choices.  I eat a lot at each meal so I won’t hunger any time too soon. I need to plan and prepare so I have a good day eating without going off track.  Most days I am successful but there are days that eat the wrong food. I’m being honest and transparent for you so you know that successful people still have a hard time with addictions and old habits. BUT, I get right back on track and attempt to not let those foods become my life (and they don’t)!
My journey has been over four years now (May is my fifth anniversary), I have followed this lifestyle for a year and a half on the Eat to Live  by Dr. Fuhrman (get the book and read it, it is my Bible on eating and living a healthy lifestyle). It has been a real eye opener and I have learned so much and experienced so many new foods and began creating recipes for myself and others who want them. It is my goal this year to pay my blessings forward and to bless others with what I’ve gained from studying under Dr. Fuhrman. I feel so much better, can do so much more and enjoy the way I look. Am I perfect, no way, happier—YES! Is it time for you to try something new? I might re-word the question by saying: How’s your lifestyle working for you? If not so well, then join me in living your life and breaking food addictions that are holding you back from being at the weight you want to be. You can do IT! Believe in yourself and accept help and support from me and others who are the journey too. Follow my blog and ask questions. You are not alone. In fact, this very act of beginning a lifestyle makes you a brave person and a healthier one at that.

To your health!


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