Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pomegranates: Super Food from the past!
Pomegranates are from Asia and the Mediterranean but are grown in California too. Over the last ten years research has discovered that pomegranates have anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, anticarcinogenic properties that can help in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, bacterial infections and ultraviolet radiation-induced skin damage. What doesn’t pomegranate do? You see by this list it must rank as a super food!
The juice and the seeds have properties that can prevent diseases including interference with tumor cell production, cell invasion and angiogenesis. The juice is excellent for so much of our everyday day that drinking it seems like a no brainer. When was the last time you drank the juice from a pomegranate? Exactly my point.

Let me list a few of the benefits of pomegranates:
1.      Inhibit breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, leukemia and prevents changes that promotes tumor growth.
2.      Has estrogen-like compounds that stimulate serotonin and estrogen receptors, improving symptoms of depressions.
3.      Its antioxotdative compounds that reverse anthersclerous and reduce blood clotting and platelet clumping.
4.      Reduces tissue damage in kidneys.
5.      Improves heart health.

I encourage you to begin buying and eating pomegranate seeds or the juice from a pomegranate. Here are a few tips on buying and opening a pomegranate. Buy firm fruit and keep in fridge for freshness. Cut the fruit through the center with a knife and spread apart to separate the two halves. Hold the fruit in one hand (seed side down) and using a wooden spoon over a large salad bowl begin banging the spoon on the fruit hard to release the seeds from the shell. Hit the fruit wherever there are seeds. It will release the seeds and you will most everyone out in no time.

You can eat the seeds plain, add to a salad, they freeze well and recipes are online to help you begin eating and experiencing the super food of pomegranate!
To your health,

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